The home of your next cherished memories

1,800 sq ft space in the heart of Southwest Philadelphia
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The home of your next cherished memories

1,800 sq ft space in the heart of Southwest Philadelphia
Book The Space

The home of your next cherished memories

1,800 sq ft space in the heart of Southwest Philadelphia
Book The Space

Built for any type of event

Tastefully Designed • Thoughtfully Functional
View The Space

Features & Services

1,800 sq ft of space

3D ceiling

Porcelain tiles

Functional kitchenette

Decor, furniture, and prop rentals


Event Consulting

Wedding Receptions

Business Meetings


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Vestibulum sed commodo nunc, eu aliquet sem. Curabitur semper, sem ut posuere tincidunt, sem velit sollicitudin odio, quis hendrerit sapien nunc sit amet sem. Ut sollicitudin dignissim ligula nec porta. 

Robert Shapiro, CEO of trulr

Vestibulum sed commodo nunc, eu aliquet sem. Curabitur semper, sem ut posuere tincidunt, sem velit sollicitudin odio, quis hendrerit sapien nunc sit amet sem. Ut sollicitudin dignissim ligula nec porta. 

Robert Shapiro, CEO of trulr


2501 S 70th St, Bldg #2
Philadelphia, PA 19142

Our easily accessible location is near major highways like I-76 and 95 South, making it convenient for guests coming from different parts of Philadelphia and surrounding areas.

SOE Event Space address and location

Let's make memories.

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